Join Us

We are a friendly group and would love you to join us. Our members come from all walks of life and are of all ages. Families are very welcome.

Whether you fancy learning how to wield a sword or spear and take part in our competitive battles, sailing a Viking longship, building a Saxon longhall, preparing a feast over an open fire or trying a new craft there will be something for everyone.


Opportunities for Members

The main purpose of the society is to put on living history, archery and combat displays at public events. These happen at both a local level and further afield with our parent organisation Regia Anglorum. 

There is something incredibly magical about waking up in a medieval tent in the grounds of a castle or in the middle of a forest with nothing but the sounds of the birds, the crackle of the fire and, with any luck, the sizzle of breakfast on the go. 

Over the years we have been invited to stay in some stunning locations across the UK including Corfe Castle, Sherwood forest, Bosham Harbour, the Weald and Downland museum and many more

Events generally take place on spring and summer weekends. We set up camp and Haestingas have a big group work shelter where we put on our displays. Everyone pitches in to help with cooking and camp duties. Although we remain strictly authentic when we are open to the public, the chocolate, beer and comfy chairs come out after hours and pleasant evenings are spent talking and laughing in the glow of the campfire.

Our combat displays are fully competitive and we get together regularly to practice skills and tactics so that we can do ourselves proud when we compete alongside other groups.

At events we take on the role of costumed interpreters and are not in character. We very much have a 21st century mentality despite our love of the dark ages. There are no restrictions on the activities that people of different genders can do, which includes women becoming warriors.

As well as our public events, we have a regular programme of training sessions and a wide variety of interesting projects to get involved in whatever you enjoy doing.


A Family Friendly Hobby

Children LOVE re-enactment.  With the fun of dressing up and camping, a community to keep an eye on them and teach them skills, and the freedom to play in the fresh air all weekend with their friends, events become highlights of the summer.  The pride they feel from accomplishing new tasks, being part of the team and the confidence they develop from showing off their skills are priceless.

National Society and Other Opportunities

The society has its own Anglo-Saxon manorial burgh in Kent and a small fleet of longships which members can sail and row. It also runs a biannual conference where we invite experts to give talks on the latest research. Members are often given the opportunity to take part as extras in filmwork for documentaries such as the 2021 Digging for Britain.

You can find out more on the Regia Anglorum (link to the Regia join us page). If you are not Sussex based, you can also find out details of local groups in other parts of the country. (link to land grants page).



Previous experience or knowledge is not necessary.  Enthusiasm and a willingness to learn are the most important things.

You may have skills already or we can point you in the direction of people who will be happy to share their knowledge.

We pride ourselves on our authenticity and research so you will be expected to develop a good knowledge of the evidence for the things you do.  However, in your early days we can help you with this so don’t worry!

We will also support you in making or acquiring costumes and lending equipment for your first few events until you find your feet.

There is a wealth of information on the website of our parent society Regia Anglorum including costume guides, historical reference and authenticity guidance.



Events are usually held on summer weekends around the country.  We also hold local training sessions roughly once a month. However you can commit to as many or as few as you like.

We expect members to be willing to learn and to do their bit for the group.  Events are very much a team effort and everyone is expected to pitch in to help with preparation, setting up tents, fetching water and helping with the cooking etc.


How to Join

If you would be interested in joining or would like to find out more, please contact us for a chat, we would love to hear from you.  You are very welcome to come along to a training session or event to get to know us before you decide.